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A CureWave Lasers Case Study with Dr. David A. Slater

Right this very moment, patients and practitioners across the country are relying on the CureWave Laser system to go where other lasers can’t and do what other lasers won’t. Frustrated patients seeking relief from chronic inflammation and acute pain need options, and you—as their physician—need something to offer them. 

By heating the source of inflammation and discomfort, CureWave lasers can also promote the healing process. At the end of the day, successfully relieving difficult-to-treat pain is the best marketing tool any practice can have. As a tool itself, the CureWave laser is versatile, simple to use, effective, and beloved by physicians for its return on investment.

Here is what Dr. David A. Slater of Platinum Access has to say about CureWave.


On Discovering New Technology

At first, Dr. Slater was skeptical. He assumed that the CureWave laser system would have caught his attention sooner if it were as capable as it claimed to be. But he was willing to give it a shot. 

“The first step in this process was me coming to realize that there’s all kinds of technology that you don’t hear about for years and years. A person can find out about a treatment methodology, but it’s not mainstream.”

Dr. Slater was looking for a treatment option for patients with a range of difficult-to-treat issues. His patients needed relief, and Dr. Slater was willing to try the CureWave laser if it meant providing those patients with what they needed most.

“I went with [CureWave owner] Dan and treated some patients—they were actually Dallas Cowboys. And I got feedback from them. They said ‘it’s fantastic.’”

After that, Dr. Slater started talking about the CureWave laser. Soon, he was fielding questions from interested friends and patients, hoping to understand if it could be used to treat their own chronic pain, inflammation, and joint issues as thoroughly as it treated the Dallas Cowboys.


On Treating Patients During a CureWave Trial

After seeing the difference the CureWave laser made on the large, physical, battered Cowboys, Dr. Slater took a leap of faith and began offering the laser on a trial basis at his office. 

“100% of patients had noticeable improvement. I’ve actually never had a patient who did not have improvement after one treatment. So I thought, ‘what the heck?’ I went and bought one.”

It wasn’t long after introducing the CureWave laser at his practice that Dr. Slater understood the power and popularity of the treatment option. Patients would come in complaining of pain here, discomfort there, and he would offer them CureWave sessions to see what it could do. 

“I started using it on everything from plantar fasciitis to lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain—just run the list. Everybody was getting either a lot better or literally cured. It was astonishing to me that something so powerful could be relatively unknown.”


On Treating Difficult Ailments

Few safe, non-habit-forming options exist in the medical field today for the treatment of acute pain, inflammation, and other chronic ailments. But a life of pain or immobility without answers or treatment options is no life at all. Dr. Slater has seen this firsthand. 

“If a patient comes in with elbow pain, like tennis elbow, which is very difficult to treat, and you treat them with the laser, of course their elbow gets better. Guess what happens next week? They realize they shouldn’t have to put up with that nagging knee pain! They start going, ‘well, I ought to treat my knee!”

Dr. Slater trusted the CureWave laser enough that after a Sunday laying mulch and working in the yard, he used it to treat his own back pain. 

“I had someone treat me and the pain was gone permanently after 40 minutes.


On Making a Difference in a Patient’s Life

Long after the CureWave laser became a staple of Dr. Slater’s treatment offerings, he ran into an acquaintance at a party. As he often did, he discussed the success he’d had with the laser at his practice. The acquaintance became emotional, and eventually asked if the laser could be used to treat his wife. 

“You could see he was stressed and teary eyed.” 

The mans’ wife had chronic foot pain. Every night, he massaged her feet for 20 minutes each just so she could get to sleep, only for her to wake up crying at 3:30 in the morning with the pain returned. The man had tried everything and taken his wife to see every doctor. It wasn’t plantar fasciitis, that much they knew. But nothing seemed to work. 

Eventually, Dr. Slater suggested the CureWave laser, and results followed. 

“The next day, he calls me up and says, ‘there was some improvement.’ I said, ‘okay, it’s only one treatment. So she comes back to the office the 2nd week, the 3rd week, and the 4th week. That was 3 years ago. As of a week and a half ago, I spoke to him again, and he said his wife is still pain free.”

After 12 years of agony, immobility, and horrible sleep, Dr. Slater’s friend finally provided relief for his wife.


Dr. Slater’s testimony to the efficacy of the CureWave Laser System is common among doctors, healthcare professionals, and the patients themselves.  To see what the CureWave laser can do for you and your patients, consider using it at your practice on a trial basis.

Experience CureWave Lasers for yourself and see the difference it makes